Member Access

Below are instructions on how to access your existing club account. You may want to print these instructions out.

  1. Go to
  2. Move your mouse over the "Members" menu option at the top
  3. Click on "Household Login". When you get to the login page feel free to create a favorite in you browser.
  4. Enter your email address and password (Only use the Facebook/Google login if that's how you created it).
  5. Once in you can do the following
    1. Review you profile
    2. Click on My Household Information to Manage the household and review orders
    3. **FIND YOUR TEAM** - Look at your most recent order and you'll see the name of the team your child is on. SEE EXAMPLE BELOW.
    4. COACHES: Back on the my dashboard screen, you'll see a tab called My Teams. You can use this to view your roster.